Let's Smile for Now!
Cười tươi cho Hiện tại nhé :)

Welcome to Eddie’s Sanctuary, where we could be together in Sincerity & Relaxation… 

Thank you for being Here …  Let’s be back to our Breath & Smile for Now :) As a brief introduction, my name is Eddie - with a big peaceful gentle smile :) I am a man who is happily being in The Mindful Flow of Smile, in between Everything & Nothing .... 

I am a full-time Volunteer & a Limitless Coach for Life :) Everyday, I spend time for the most important job - which is breathing & smiling in every moment... Plus, I enjoy sharing my artistic inspirations at The Smiley Eddie via sketching, singing & dancing... In a natural way, I love cleansing… I cleanse myself, my home, my computer, my mind in every moment… I am flowing at the Zero State of Limitless Possibilities, Health, Prosperity & Abundance…

We are co-creating conscious communities in Thank You Life Network... where we unite a network of conscious Friends & Teachers and together we are working on meaningful community projects for the benefits of all beings... With Mindfulness of Unconditional Love & Gratitude, we would love to welcome you to our shared home for all Volunteers for Life...

For the cultivation of Healing Energy, we are offering Mindful Home-stays & Retreats for Balance Lifestyle with The Healing Room Vietnam... To this moment, we are establishing a network of healing spaces in almost 64 provinces of the country :) 

For a Natural way of Development, we are developing The One Percent Academy - where we are practice Cleansing Everything & Giving 1% every breath with a Smile :) 

Recently, we've been diving deeply into the cleansing practice of Ho'oponopono from Ancient Hawaiians, in the combination with the blessing practice from Wat Rombodhidharma...

Now in every moment, our mantra is: Thank you Life - I love you... I am sorry ... Please forgive me... Soh... hihihi / Thank you Life - I love you - Ahosi... Soh... hihihi

Thank you so much for your time & energy... 

If you are reading to this part, please feel free to connect with me via the contact below in the footer... I would love to have an 1-1 connection with you so we could share the limitless flow of Life together :)  Wishing you all the Limitless State of Health, Prosperity & Peace in every breath.... Let's Cleanse everything & Giving 1% every breath with a Smile :)

With Love & Peace,

Thank you Life - I love you...

I am sorry - Please forgive me...

Ahosi... Soh... hihihi